Friday 7 June 2013

Fabric Friday - Spoonflower

Morning! It's Friday and we've made it through another week.  My day started very early today as Jack is heading off on a day trip to Ypres with his school and needed to be there at 5.30 am.  Thankfully Andy is driving again so he can do the late pick up tonight which is very good news for me!  I thought today I would have a little fabric Friday indulgence and share with you the fabulous website Spoonflower.  I first wrote about this innovative idea a couple of years ago and have since watched the whole concept develop and grow.  Spoonflower is the place to go for any would be fabric designer.  

Since it's first foray into print your own design fabric production, Spoonflower has now extended it's products so that we can design our own wallpaper, giftwrap and decals.  Aswell as ordering these for our own projects other people can also purchase our designs and we can purchase other peoples designs.  I love everything about Spoonflower and one day will find time to try my hand at surface pattern design.  In the meantime I have discovered some fabulous designs on their website that I hope to use on projects in the future.  

Are you a Spoonflower designer?  Please get in touch ( I can share your designs here.

Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to pop by for Designer Brunch on Sunday.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Workshop Wednesday - Lino Print Tea Parties

Morning! I hope you are all having a fabulous week.  Andy is having his cast off tomorrow, so we are planning  a little celebration tomorrow evening.  It's been a long and difficult six weeks but we've got through it and can now get back to normal.  This will mean I have time to start my regular features again here on the blog including Workshop Wednesday.  So today I am excited to share the fab idea of lino printing tea parties.  I have yet to try lino printing but the idea of learning a new craft whilst drinking tea and eating cake sounds like a wonderful idea to me.  

Laura and Lucie are the super printing duo that started running these lino printing workshops earlier this year.  Once a month they invite printing novices to join them to learn to design and cut a rubber lino stamp then use it to print on a number of surfaces, including giftwrap, greetings cards and tea towels.  Whilst learning this new skill there is plenty of time for tea, cake and chatting amongst the guests and teachers.  These workshops are run from Craft Central in Farringdon and have ten spaces available for each session.  So whether you're a beginner or want to refresh your lino printing skills why not join Laura and Lucie this summer?  All you need to bring along is some ideas or inspiration for your stamp designs.

Course dates this summer
16th July 2013 (6:00pm - 8:30pm)
21st August 2013 (6:00pm - 8:30pm)

To book please visit Laura's website

Enjoy the rest of your day and please get in touch if you run workshops and would like to be featured in this series.


Monday 3 June 2013

DIY Paper Anemones

Morning! I know I have been a little quiet recently but being on clinical placement, assignments to be written, studying for exams and having Andy in plaster for six weeks has meant life has been a little chaotic.  I have had to admit that I simply cannot do everything, hence I stopped blogging and have neglected my Etsy store a little.  But Andy's cast comes off on Thursday, I only have three more weeks on clinical placement and am on top of my academic work too.  So this means I can now allow myself to blog a little and start getting new products ready for the shop, ready to launch at the end of this month.  Today I wanted to share with you a very pretty tutorial I found on Pinterest that would make a lovely addition to your homes or as a decoration at a wedding or party this summer.  I am yet to attempt making paper flowers but this tutorial from The Elli Blog looks like a great place to start trying a new papercraft.

Paper Anemone Tutorial from The Elli Blog 

Have a wonderful Monday,